We Help Immigrant Families Stay Together.

Our evaluations can change the outcome of your case

Asylum applications with physical or psychological evaluations from professionals have an extraordinarily high rate of approval — 89%, according to one study, far higher than the 37% normal rate. Source

Type of Cases We Work With

  • For extreme hardship waivers or cancellation of removal cases, a psychological evaluation can be a powerful piece of evidence to show that a relative would suffer extreme hardship if they were separated from the applicant or if the relative leaves the US and relocates to another country to remain with the applicant.

    It’s important to remember that deportation will cause hardship to the family (e.g. spouse, children, or parents) rather than to the individual that may be deported.scription text goes here

  • In political asylum cases, an individual has been subjected to mistreatment and abuse in their country of origin due to their political beliefs, religious affiliation, ethnicity, or gender. If your immigration case involves is political asylum, it is important to assess the extent and severity of your original trauma, whether you continue to suffer from psychological symptoms after your arrival in the U.S., and how long-lasting the psychological consequences could be. We have extensive experience in trauma survivors, and most of all we want you to feel safe, understood, and know that you'll never have to explain your feelings or feel embarrassed to tell us your story.

  • The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) provides immigration benefits for individuals (all genders) who have been physically and/or mentally abused by their U.S. citizen spouse.

    For VAWA cases, a psychological evaluation can evaluate the extent of the spousal abuse and the emotional and psychological impact that the abuse had on you.

  • In a U visa case, a psychological evaluation is to evaluate the psychological effects of a serious crime. The goal of the psychological evaluation is to assess the extent of serious physical, mental, or emotional consequences of the experience.

    An applicant for a U Visa has to be willing to assist the police and/or District Attorney’s Office in the investigation and/or with the prosecution of the criminal.

  • In a T visa case, an evaluation assesses the psychological and emotional effects of having been a victim of human trafficking. A psychological evaluation can be helpful in highlighting specific hardship issues related to the case, such as mental health consequences of the physical or sexual abuse they endured while they were being trafficked.

    It is also not uncommon for individuals to develop depressive disorders or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder as a result of their experiences.

Click on the case type to learn more

Who We Work With

  • Immigration Clients

    If your attorney suggested that you obtain a report of a psychological evaluation, you’ve come to the right place.

    We specialized in providing psychological evaluations which have been found helpful by attorneys in and outside of Chicagoland.

  • Attorneys

    We are mental health clinicians who knows what USCIS is looking for and can provide a thorough evaluation that looks into your client’s whole immigration story. Factors such as native country conditions, their relationships, health, and medical conditions, and more while translating clinical terms into accessible conclusions judges are looking for.

Why Choose Us?

  • Extensive Experience

    We have extensive experience with immigrants from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds. We have specialized training in diagnosis, trauma, domestic violence as well as immigration law. Our reports incorporate strong clinical material with an understanding of the unique requirement of USCIS.​

  • Quick Turnaround

    Quick Turnaround

    While we place great importance on our attention to detail, we provide quick turnaround times. You will receive your first appointment within 5 days, and in most cases, we will complete your comprehensive evaluation within three weeks.

    Expedited service available upon request.

  • Invest in Quality

    A detailed and thorough mental health assessment completed by a knowledgeable clinician can add tremendous value to your immigration case.

    Depending on your case, our reports are usually is 15+ pages, and we will make sure to include all information USCIS is looking for in your case.

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